Skyjacker DS320 User Manual
Installation, Seat belts save lives. please wear your seat belt

DuE TO ThE wiDE variETy Of vEhiclEs ThaT This kiT fiTs, firsT chEck ThE arEa abOvE
ThE rEar END bETwEEN ThE framE rails TO bE surE ThErE arE NO ObsTrucTiONs (gas
TaNk, ETc.). sOmE vEhiclEs may rEquirE mODifyiNg ThE Tail pipE.
This kiT rEquirEs sOmE wElDiNg which shOulD bE DONE by aN ExpEriENcED wElDEr
usiNg arc wElDiNg EquipmENT.
1. Insert the upper shock bracket between the frame rails. Expand the slip tube to contact the frame
rails on both sides & locate the flanges immediately forward of the OEM shock upper brackets.
Be sure both shock mounting ears are towards the rear with their flat sides up & pointing up at
approximately a 30-degree angle, close to- but not touching the bed brace.
2. Using the flanges on the slip tube as a guide, mark & drill two holes with clearance for 7/16" bolts
on each side of the frame.
3. Insert the supplied 7/16" bolts through the newly drilled holes in the frame placing nuts on the
inside. Tighten the bolts securely on both sides.
4. Temporarily hang both new shocks (not provided) from the upper bracket, centering the shock in
the mounting tabs with the supplied washers. NOTE: This kit is designed to use shocks of OEM
specifications except it requires eyelet type top mounts instead of pin type mounts.
5. Temporarily install the bottom mounting ears on the new shock bottoms in the same fashion as
the existing OEM lower mounts. Swing the shocks back until the rear facing radius in the lower
mounts contacts the axle housing at the front & line up the new mounts with the existing OEM
bottom mounts. Check to be sure the new mounts are in line top to bottom, making sure the
shocks do not bind. Clamp in place & tack weld the new bottom mounts to the axle housing.
Check all clearances & travel for free movement of the shocks. Now remove the new shocks.
6. Securely weld the lower bracket in place on the axle housing. Weld as much of the exposed slip
joint in the middle of the upper bracket as possible.
7. Reinstall the new shocks fastening securely top & bottom, using the supplied 1/2" x 2
" bolts &
center the top & bottom in the mounting tabs using the supplied washers.
sEaT bElTs savE livEs. plEasE wEar yOur sEaT bElT.
Pg 1
I-DS360 REV1 3-11
Dual rear shock kit
installation instructions
part #: Ds320 / Ds360