Skyjacker 1029H User Manual
Skyjacker For the car

Camber / Caster Bushing
Part # 1029H
Installation Instructions
I-1029H 2-10
Pg 1
1. Raise the vehicle so that approximately half of the vehicle weight is off the tire/wheel assembly.
2. Remove the upper ball joint stud snap ring. (Where Applicable)
3. Using a 12mm socket to loosen the upper ball joint pinch bolt & remove the OEM camber / caster
bushing by prying upward under the camber / caster bushing shoulder.
4. Install the new Skyjacker camber / caster bushing with the slot facing in the desired direction. Refer
to the chart on the next page for the proper slot direction for the desired angle changes.
5. Tap downward on the camber / caster bushing to seat it & snug down the pinch bolt nut.
6. Reinstall the snap ring. (Where Applicable)
7. Turn the camber / caster bushing to obtain the desired final results.
8. Tighten the pinch bolt nut to 48 to 65 ft-lb.
9. Lower the vehicle & road test.
EXAMPLE: The example shown on the next page is a 2 degrees bushing used on a 2WD application.
Placed in the vehicle with the slot toward the front (as shown) CASTER only would change. (2 degree
Negative in the sample shown.) If the bushing were rotated to the "B" position CASTER & CAMBER
would each decrease 1-3/8 degree. This is illustrated by the (-) marks in both the CASTER CHANGE
circle & CAMBER CHANGE circle intersecting the line to the letter "B".