Technical data, Time management, Security and privacy requirements – RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual
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RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – technical data
teCHnICAl dAtA
doSImeteR And ReAl tIme dISPlAy/doSe mAnAGeR memoRIeS
dose rate samples that have been overwritten in the dosimeter’s dose rate memory may still be available in the
real time display and dose manager memories.
If there are no dose rate samples neither in the real time display or dose manager memories, nor in the
dosimeter dose rate memory, the real time display and dose manager will instead display mean dose rate
values based on accumulated dose values.
lack of dose rate samples in the real time display and/or dose manager memories occurs when the:
• dosimeter is not within range of the real time display when it is exposed to radiation.
• dose rate samples in the dosimeter dose rate memory are overwritten.
tIme mAnAGement
the dosimeter logs dose history in local time with no daylight saving time adjustments. daylight saving time
adjustment is done in the real time display, dose viewer or dose manager when the dose history is presented.
the following happens when the daylight saving time is changed:
• when going to summertime, one extra hour with no dose data will be added to the dose log.
• when going to wintertime, two hours of dose data will be merged into one hour. this hour contains no
dose rate details. when changing from summertime to wintertime, dose date details in the two merged
hours will not be displayed.
netwoRk PoRtS
the following ports and protocols are open on the real time display for communication with the dose manager:
8070 g
SoAP httpd 2.7
Used for regular (bidirectional) communication
between real time display and dose manager