RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual
Page 48

RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Use dose manager
VIew doSe HIStoRy AS A tAble
Figure 32. View dose history as a table
follow the instructions below to view dose history as a table:
1. Select either:
• Several dosimeters in the All dosimeters window by holding down Ctrl while clicking on the
• A group of dosimeters.
2. Click the tab dose table to see the dose data presented in a table.
3. Click Show all.
All available data for the selected dosimeter will appear. the time range will start the first date the dosimeter
begun to measure dose and stop the last date the dosimeter was synchronized.
4. Use the navigation and Graph details toolbars in the dose navigation toolbar to customize the table and
navigate in it.