Dose manager license – RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual
Page 53

RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Use dose manager
4. Repeat the password in the field Verify Password.
5. Click ok.
follow the instructions below to change the current password:
1. Click the Application menu.
2. Select options.
3. enter your current password in the field Current Password.
4. enter a new password in the field new Password.
5. Repeat the new password in the field Verify Password.
6. Click ok.
follow the instructions below to change the user interface language:
1. Click the Application menu.
2. Select options.
3. Select your preferred language in the drop-down menu.
4. Click ok.
5. Re-start dose manager to apply the change.
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dose manager shall be used only on the designated hardware and at the site of the licensee as specified in the
Customer Software license Agreement. A separate dose manager is required per each designated hardware
on which the dose manager is to be used.