Details tab overview – RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual

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RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager



battery status

the dosimeter’s battery status:

• Green: normal use.

• yellow: normal use.

• Red: the dosimeter need to be replaced in 4 – 6 months at normal


• Crossed battery: there is no battery left. the dosimeter does

not measure radiation and will not communicate with real time

detAIlS tAb oVeRVIew

the information that appears in the details tab is context sensitive, which means that it will change depending
on what you are currently working on.

doSImeteR detAIlS

Figure 11. Dosimeter details

when a dosimeter is selected in the All dosimeters window, you can access the following information in the
details tab: