RaySafe ThinX Intra User Manual
Raysafe thinx intra, User manual

RaySafe ThinX Intra
User ManUal
RaySafe ThinX measures X-ray radiation. The instrument is always
on, triggered by radiation. You don’t need any correction tables,
since the active compensation feature automatically applies correc-
tions for variation in beam filtration.
BaTTeRY ReplacemenT
When the yellow leD is blinking,
please replace the battery:
1. Remove the battery cover.
2. Replace the battery (cR2450).
3. put the cover back. The instru-
ment is ready to use.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
inSTRUmenT veRSionS
This manual is valid for 1302023-a.
Do not hesitate to contact Unfors RaySafe for support:
Technical support
+49 731 175 492-20
[email protected]
+46 31 719 97 10
[email protected]
position RaySafe ThinX on a flat surface. posi-
tion the collimator of the X-ray machine close
to the sensor area.
Read the values on the display.
if the detected waveform is pulsed, the num-
ber of pulses will automatically be displayed.
© 2012.
08 Unfors
safe 5000099-B
User ManUal