Work with the main window – RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual

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RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Use dose manager


Dose manager does not handle backup and restore. Therefore you have to make sure that
you are saving the database in a location that is backed up.

woRk wItH tHe mAIn wIndow

CUStomIZe tHe ColUmnS

Figure 23. Customize columns

follow the instructions below to add or remove columns in the main window:

1. Right-click in the column header row in the main window and select Show field chooser.

2. drag and drop column headers between the field chooser and the column header row in the main window.

the order of the selected column headers can be easily changed. Just drag and drop a column header to
move it to the left or to the right.

SoRt InfoRmAtIon In tHe ColUmnS

• Click on the different column headers to sort the list ascending or descending.