Use dose manager, Get started with dose manager – RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual
Page 33

RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Use dose manager
USe doSe mAnAGeR
this chapter contains instructions and commonly used work flows in dose manager. detailed descriptions of all
the available features are found in section “Get to know dose manager” on page 7.
Get StARted wItH doSe mAnAGeR
CHAnGe doSImeteR InfoRmAtIon And SettInGS
when you change the dosimeter’s information and settings in dose manager the dosimeter will synchronize
these changes to real time displays and dose viewer.
It is only possible to access and change the dosimeter options when the dosimeter is placed in
a cradle.
follow the instructions below to change dosimeter information and settings:
1. make sure that a cradle is connected to your computer’s USb port.
2. Insert a dosimeter in the cradle.
the computer will detect the dosimeter automatically and the dosimeter information will appear in dose
3. Access the dosimeter options dialog by clicking the dosimeter options button in the dosimeter group in the
home tab.
the dosimeter options dialog is separated in three tabs. for descriptions about the information that is available
in these tabs, see section “dosimeters” on page 10.