RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual
Page 38

RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Use dose manager
Deleting a dosimeter from the All dosimeters window will result in removing the dosimeter and
all related dose history from the dose manager database.
woRk wItH doSe SeSSIonS
Use dose Session 1 and 2 to measure dose for specific time spans, for example a specific procedure or a
working day.
the end user can easily reset these dose Sessions in the real time display without the use of a computer. when
dose Sessions are reset either on a real time display that is synchronized to dose manager, or directly in dose
manager, a dose Session event will be added to the dose history. this event will be visible on the dosimeter’s
accumulated dose series when viewed.
Dose Session resets that are done in dose viewer will not be displayed as an event in dose
ReSet doSe HIStoRy
the accumulated dose history, the dose rate history and dose Sessions 1 and 2 will be reset to 0. the dose
history that was available before reset will be archived and possible to retrieve by clicking + next to the
dosimeter in the All dosimeters window. dose manager will start a new session for the dosimeter and it will
appear as if the dose history will start measuring from 0 in the new session.
follow the steps below to reset the dose history:
1. make sure that a cradle is connected to your computer’s USb port.
2. Insert a dosimeter in the cradle.
the computer will detect the dosimeter automatically and the dosimeter information will appear in dose
3. Access the dosimeter settings dialog by clicking the dosimeter options button.
4. Select the Settings/dose tab.
5. Click Reset dose history. this action is applied immediately and also exits the dialog.
dose manager automatically saves application and dose data to the database that you are currently working
Use Save as to save the database you are currently working on with a new name.
The database can only be saved on a local drive. A network drive is not supported.