RaySafe i2 Dose Manager User Manual
Page 37

RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Use dose manager
If communication with a real time displays that has been manually added to the list by using its network
address does not work, it might be a result of network configuration. make sure that the real time display and
dose manager PC is connected to the same network and use the same subnet mask. If the problems cannot be
resolved, contact the local network administrator.
ColleCt dAtA fRom USb
follow the instructions below to collect data from USb:
1. Click the button Synchronize USb in the Home toolbar.
2. Select the folder from which to synchronize real time display data.
3. Click ok.
SHow And mAnAGe GRoUPS of doSImeteRS
Figure 22. Create a group of dosimeters
follow the steps below to create a new group:
1. Click the button Groups in the Home toolbar to view the groups’ tree.
2. Right-click Groups in the groups’ tree to create a new sub group.
3. Go back to the All dosimeters window by clicking on Show in the dosimeters group; then drag dosimeter(s)
from the All dosimeters window to group(s) they are going to belong to.
Right-click on a group to delete or rename the group or access group properties.