MTS 318 Load Unit User Manual
Page 91

Routine Maintenance Overview Checklist
318 Load Unit
Preloader collar mount
The following procedure applies only to force transducers that are mounted
to the crosshead using a preload collar.
Loosen the six jack bolts or setscrews in 1/4 turn steps to remove most of the
tension on the preloader collar, following a standard crisscross torque
If your preloader collar has jackbolts, remove and lubricate them one at a
time. Lubricate the washer underneath the jackbolt. After you reinstall the
jackbolt, tighten it enough to keep the force transducer pulled firmly against
the crosshead.
If your preloader collar has captive setscrews, unscrew them one at a time.
Lubricate the washer underneath the setscrew. Then retighten the setscrew
just enough to keep the force transducer pulled firmly against the crosshead.
Preloader Collar Bolts
5. Align the force transducer.
This step describes how to align a force transducer to the crosshead.
A. Lightly tap the transducer with the rubber mallet to change its position
until you get a TIR of 0.038 mm (0.0015 in) or less.
Remove, one at a time
G-n paste
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- Grip-Manual Bollard-2 kN (2 pages)
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