318 load unit: daily inspections, 318 load unit: clean the columns, 318 load unit: daily inspections 78 – MTS 318 Load Unit User Manual
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318 Load Unit
Routine Maintenance Overview Checklist
318 Load Unit: Daily Inspections
Before the start of each day’s testing, do a quick inspection of your load unit.
Following are typical things that should be checked daily:
Ensure that there are no leaks from lifts or locks.
Ensure that there are no leaks from the actuator, hydraulic service manifold,
servovalve, or accumulators.
Ensure that electrical connections are tight, with no frayed or poorly routed
Ensure that hoses are routed properly and fittings are not leaking.
318 Load Unit: Clean the Columns
The crosshead locks can not securely clamp the crosshead to dirty or greasy
columns. You will need #1 grade kerosene and lint-free cloths to perform this
The crosshead can slide down the columns.
Crosshead cleaning takes place in a crush zone where pinched fingers and
crushed hands can occur.
Do not position yourself in a crush zone. Always lock the crosshead after moving
it. Always turn off hydraulic pressure before cleaning the columns. Wait two
minutes for pressure to bleed off before starting work.
1. Ensure that the crosshead is locked.
2. Using a clean, lint-free cloth, clean the exposed surfaces of the columns
with #1 grade kerosene.
3. If your load unit does not have hydraulic crosshead lifts, skip ahead to the
next step. If your load unit has hydraulic crosshead lifts, complete the
following steps:
A. Turn on system electrical power.
B. Apply high hydraulic pressure to the load unit.
4. If there is a specimen in the load unit, remove it.
5. Unlock and move the crosshead to expose the uncleaned section of the
6. Lock the crosshead.
7. If hydraulic pressure has been turned on, turn it off. Wait two minutes for the
pressure to bleed off before going on to the next step.
8. Clean the remaining sections of the columns.