B 320 – INFICON Sensistor ISH2000 Hydrogen Leak Detector User Manual
Page 43

EN- 43
Sensistor ISH2000 Technical Reference Manual (TRM)
Example: 2.5E-04R (LF)
This example is a line feed (LF), R means that the test was above the Reject Level
alarm limit, and the value was 2.5E-04.
For passive probes (for example P50 and AP57*) data is printed when a signal is
detected above Reject Level or when the print button is pressed. Activate this
under Measure Button menu.
For active probes (e.g AP29) data is printed at end of measurement sequence.
Printing of the current value can also be requested by an RS232 command or
ordered manually by pressing PRINT.
* A custom APC program setting the MEAS flag prints as AP55/AP29 and an
APC program not using MEAS flag prints as P50.
Detection data output
The Detection Data Output option is intended for automated scanning of weld
seams etc.
Note: The Detection Data is expressed in arbitrary units. Detection Mode signal
is not affected by calibration!
Communication specifications.
The data format for Detection data output contains of ten ASCII characters.
Nine characters show the value in engineering format, and one character shows
linefeed (LF).
The print time is 50Hz continuous streaming data.
Data rate
9600 baud
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
B 320