1 hints for a good measurement, Hints for a good measurement – INFICON T-Guard Leak Detection Sensor User Manual
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If the trigger value is higher than 1x10
mbar l/s per litre of the net volume,
both test samples will be measured in GROSS-mode. Then you must use
outside air to purge the chamber. The helium background on the reference
line must be really stable for GROSS-mode. If this is not possible, a bigger
chamber or diluted helium has to be used to measure in FINE-mode.
If the T-Guard™stops the measurement due to a too high signal in G
mode, it reports a leakage rate of a hundred times the highest trigger level.
If it stops in F
mode for the same reason, it reports five times the highest
trigger level.
In both cases, the PLC output "GROSSLEAK" is active.
After each accumulation measurement and waiting for a certain time, the chamber
will be purged. You can generally turn this automatic purge process off; it must then
be initiated with a control command every time.
Hints for a good measurement:
Use fans inside the chamber to have a perfect mixture of helium and air
everywhere inside the chamber! The gas flow of the fans should be at least once
the chamber volume per second!
Purge the test chamber before measurement!
An insufficient chamber purge is indicated with the warning W45.
For best and repeatable results you must apply outside air to the reference inlet.
In order to have a more stable background on the reference inlet, put it loosely
into a tightly closed buffer volume. This buffer volume reduces the helium
background variations.
Apply external air on the measurement line during the purge time in order to clean
You should purge the chamber after every measurement, then purge the
measurement line for at least 4 s, then wait for 2 s before performing the next
measurement. This removes the residual helium, which could affect the following
measurements, from the measurement system.
The chamber must have neither slots nor holes. It must be sealed with rubber
gaskets. Only then are the measurements free from external influences.
Fig. 6-8 Display after finished measurement in Accumulation mode