HMC Electronics 1631-16S Techspray Flux Remover, G3 Heavy Duty User Manual

G3 flux remover

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G3 Flux Remover


Flux removers (defluxers) remove flux residues and other contaminants left by manufacture, rework, or repair of printed circuit boards.
Residues from higher, leadfree temperatures are more baked on and harder to clean. G3, Ecoline and PrecisionV flux removers have
been proven very effective at removing fluxes baked on at leadfree temperatures.

Microcomponents and fine pitch leads are delicate and easily damaged, so brushing and scrubbing should be avoided if possible. Both
G3, Ecoline and PrecisionV have a powerful spray and strong solvent that blasts off residues and cleans areas under components that a
brush cannot touch.

Non-flammable & powerful cleaner

Flux removers (defluxers) remove flux residues and other contaminants left by manufacture, rework, or
repair of printed circuit boards. Residues from higher, lead-free temperatures are more baked on and
harder to clean. G3®, Ecoline™ and Precision-V™ flux removers have been proven very effective at
removing fluxes baked on at lead-free temperatures. Micro-components and fine pitch leads are
delicate and easily damaged, so brushing and scrubbing should be avoided if possible. Both G3,
Ecoline and Precision-V have a powerful spray and strong solvent that blasts off residues and cleans
areas under components that a brush cannot touch. Patented defluxer formulated to be powerful and
nonflammable, yet economical. Eliminates brushing and scrubbing, saving time and materials.

Powerful cleaner
Non-ozone depleting
Safe on electronics
Rapid evaporation
Zero residue
Safe on most plastics
EPA SNAP approved
Proven effective for lead-free processes

Product Packaging


G3 Flux Remover

16 oz

12 units/case


G3 Flux Remover

5 oz

12 units/case


Make sure opening of sprayhead is pointing toward surface to be cleaned. Hold can 15-20 cm away. Direct spray to saturate soiled surface. A TechBrush® (2000 Series)
may be utilized to help in the removal of heavy soils. When used as a general cleaner, start at top of area to be cleaned using a sweeping motion, and spray the area
slowly, working towards the bottom. To clean in hard to reach areas, insert extension tube in sprayhead to direct spray. Allow components to dry completely before
applying current. For flat surface cleaning, saturate a lint-free TechClean® Twillwipe (2357) or Purwipe™ (2355) and wipe surface with cloth. Rotate the cleaning side of the
wipe periodically and re-saturate.

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Techspray - US office, P.O. Box 949,

Amarillo, TX 79105-0949,

Tel. 806-372-8523, Toll-free 800-858-4043

Fax 806-372-8750, [email protected]

Documentation Provided By HMC Electronics

33 Springdale Ave. Canton, MA 02021

(800) 482-4440