HMC Electronics 5768G Kester Flux Residue Cleaner, Bio-Kleen User Manual
5768 bio-kleen bio-kleen

For W
For W
ater Removal of Rosin Flux Residue
ater Removal of Rosin Flux Residue
Product Description
Kester 5768 Bio-Kleen
is a highly concentrated
liquid cleaner which is added to water to make a
non-foaming solution for removing rosin flux
residue. The alkaline chemicals in Kester 5768
react with rosin by a chemical conversion known
as saponification to form soaps which are
water-soluble. The resulting rosin soap and any
water-soluble residue, such as activator salts, can
then be rinsed away with water. Kester 5768
possesses enhanced ability to solubilize
unsaponifiable material that is normally present in
rosin and in additives used in some flux or
solderpaste formulations. This assures excellent
visual and ionic cleanliness of circuit boards after
cleaning. A significant feature of this formulation is
its stable composition during use at elevated
temperatures such that a greatly increased
operating life is achieved. This results in less
frequent discharge of the wash tank for
replacement with fresh solution and in a process
cost reduction. Another special feature of Kester
5768 is that unlike other saponifier products which
tend to mildly etch the solder surface, it leaves
joints bright and shiny after cleaning. Kester 5768
eliminates the need for expensive, toxic and
environmentally harmful solvents traditionally
used for flux removal.
Performance Characteristics:
• Enhanced ability to solubilize flux residues
• Easily cleaned in water
• Effective for both rosin and water-soluble
flux chemistries
Physical Properties
Specific Gravity: 0.998 ± 0.005
Antoine Paar DMA 35 @ 25°C
pH (10% solution): 11.4
Hanna Instruments 8314 @ 25°C
Amine Value: 284 ± 15 mgKOH/g
ASTM D-2076
Flash Point: 110°C (230°F)
Application Notes
Kester 5768 Bio-Kleen
is specifically designed for
use in automatic in-line spray cleaning equipment
but can also be used in batch type washers.
Excellent cleaning is accomplished with low foaming
and minimal odor. This product contains a very
effective organic anti-foaming agent. No silicone
defoamers or other oils which do not rinse
completely from a circuit board assembly are
present in the formulation. For typical applications
a 5-10% by volume solution of Kester 5768 is
required. A higher or lower concentration may be
used depending on specific production
requirements. How much Kester 5768 will be
used depends on the specific flux or solderpaste
formulation, the solids content of the rosin flux, the
solution temperature and efficiency of the cleaning
equipment. The detergency action of Kester 5768
allows its use to assist in the removal of organic
water-soluble fluxes when increased cleaning
efficiency or lower surface tension are desired.
Kester 5768 is not compatible with PVC or CPVC.
As a general guideline, the following table shows
the recommended temperature range and
concentration of Kester 5768.
Documentation Provided By HMC Electronics
33 Springdale Ave. Canton, MA 02021
(800) 482-4440