5 function program – Heidolph ROTAVAC Vario pumping unit User Manual
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Ten programs with up to ten program steps with preset values for vacuum and time can be set
and stored.
The screen-shot shows the factory-set values.
When ”Graphic” is selected the display shows a pressure vs. time curve (right screen-shot).
The number of the program with program step, the set vacuum, the actual vacuum and the runtime are
The timeline in the diagram adapts automatically to the process time.
Press the selection knob twice to return to the standard display.
5.5 Function Program
To select row: turn and press selection knob.
Turning the selection knob: adjust parameter.
Pressing the selection knob: confirm parameter, jump to next parameter.
After 5 seconds without change the parameter is quit automatically.
1013 mbar
Program 5 : 4 1013mbar
Preset values for the process run can be edited:
Time: Process runtime for each program step to reach a preset vacuum level or if setting ”Step”
runtime after having achieved the vacuum level. The summed up total process runtime is shown in
the base line. Attention: A preset runtime of 99:59:59 hours in the final program step will cause the
process to run endlessly. Termination of the process by pressing key STOP.
Vacuum: Vacuum level to be attained.
Venting valve: Operating a venting valve to reach a preset vacuum level.
”Step”: ”Step” causes pump down as fast as possible to the preset vacuum level. As soon as the
vacuum level is reached the time meter starts running.
”Auto”: Auto = : automatic determination of a boiling point and adaptation to changes of the boil-
ing point within the preselected time interval. Auto = : only automatic adaptation to changes of
the boiling point. The program step is finished when the selected time or pressure value has been
Selecting ”Auto” in combination with ”Step” in one program step is not possible.
Open: Open programs (Program 0 - 9).
Store: This command stores an edited program or the program of the last process to one of the stor-
age spaces 0 - 9.
Delay: ”Delay” specifies the time the coolant valve continues to run after process stop.
The ”Delay” is adjustable in a range of 1-300 minutes or can be set to ”Off”.