5 controller – Heidolph ROTAVAC Vario pumping unit User Manual
Page 23

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Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefully
the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 999248 / 28/04/2011
After switching on the device the
version number of the software is displayed, then the preselected
function with the pressure reading.
When switching on the controller for the very first time, a menu to select the language of the controller
menu is displayed. Select the desired language e.g., ”English” by turning the selection knob and press
to confirm. Then select the pressure unit (”mbar”, ”Torr” or” hPa”) in the same way.
It is possible to access the language selection menu at any time by switching on the controller
while keeping the selection knob pressed.
Start or Stop the
VENT (Venting):
• A short tap vents momentarily;
process continues.
• Pressing longer than 2 seconds vents the sys-
tem to atmospheric pressure; process stops.
• Selects menu ”function”
• Use for temporary switching during
operation to other functions
Selection knob
• Press to reach the set-up menu of the function
• Turn to choose the parameter you want to modify
• Press to select the parameter you want to modify
• Turn to change the set value of the parameter
• Press to confirm change of value and to reach fur-
ther parameters, or to leave the set-up menu
on/off switch
5 Controller