Environmental Express SPE-Express with Cover User Manual
Page 18

SPE-‐Express Operation and Instruction Manual
System Configuration Screen
Once logged in, a first time user of the program on a new system should configure the hardware. To do this
press the “Configuration” button on the Environmental Express SPE-Express Main Screen, or press F4 and
follow the directions below.
Use this feature to verify that the SPE-Express Hardware is configured properly.
Press the “Configuration” control on the Main Screen.
Ensure that all SPE-Express System(s) are disconnected from the computer before initiating the
configuration process.
In the event you have additional National Instruments hardware connected to the computer or configured in
Measurement Automation Explorer, contact technical support.
Press the “OK” button, or press Enter. Once the “OK” button is pressed, the user will see the prompt.
o Ensure the SPE-Express system is powered.
o Connect the SPE-Express system USB cable to the computer.
o Press the "OK" button, or press Enter. The blue progress bar will appear.
o As the utility ensures the correct configuration of the hardware, the blue bar will steadily move
upwards. One of two prompts will appear.
o Press “OK” to continue, or press the Enter key