C.B.S. Scientific HTLE-7002 User Manual

Page 23

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C. B. S. œ Scientific 23



Concentrate on wetting the areas
around the sample and then the dye
marks first. Do this by pressing around
edges of all the holes at once to direct
the wetting flow toward the center of the
circle (Fig. V).

27. If done properly all the liquid converges

on the center of the circle and acts to
concentrate the spotted sample as seen
for the green dye in Figure U. Pat the
blotter over the rest of the area to make
sure the entire surface of the plate is
wet. (See Fig. W). Extra liquid can be
added at this stage by dipping ones
gloved fingers in buffer and applying it
directly to the back of the blotter.

Remove the blotter and the plate is
ready for electrophoresis. Peptide
migration requires only a minimal
amount of liquid. The plate should look
dull-gray and not shiny because of too
much liquid on the plate. Areas where
the buffer has puddled should be blotted
carefully with a Kimwipe.

28. Lift up the wicks from the disassembled

apparatus and place the plate flat on the
surface of the bed.