Installa on, Stand pipe moun ng – APG LOE Master Sensor user manual User Manual
Page 6
LOE Series
Rev. B, 1/12
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • • [email protected]
Installa on
The LOE must be mounted in a loca on with an unobstructed column of air to
the target. The beam-spread chart on the previous page can be used as a rough
guide to determine the required diameter of the air column for ranges of 10
feet or less. A 3 to 4 foot diameter air column is typically suffi
cient even at the
maximum range of the sensor.
The sensor should be mounted to ensure the target does not come closer than
the minimum sensing range (blanking distance).
The sensor should be mounted so that the sensor face is perpendicular to the
target surface. Even just a few degrees off -perpendicular can cause a loss of
echo condi on. Proper alignment becomes increasingly important as the range
to the target increases.
DO NOT mount the sensor
where the beam will intersect
objects such as fill streams,
pipes, ladder rungs, wall seams,
or corrugated tank walls.
Stand Pipe Moun ng
When using a stand pipe to raise the sensor above a tank, use a single seamless
piece of pipe to provide the sound waves a smooth path to propagate into the
tank. Because the sound waves becomes concentrated along the pipe walls,
even small sharp edges, such as seams or burs, can cause errant readings.