Basic parameters (con nued), Averaging, Window – APG LOE Master Sensor user manual User Manual
Page 13: Out of range samples, Sample rate

Rev. B, 1/12
LOE Series
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • • [email protected]
Defi nes the number of target readings that will be averaged together. Each
qualifi ed sample (see Filter Window and Out of Range Samples below) is placed
into a fi rst-in, fi rst-out (FIFO) buff er and averaged with previous samples to gen-
erate a steady output. A higher Averaging se ng will result in smoother read-
ings, but will also result in slower the response me to rapid target changes.
Sets the width of the target acceptance window. The target acceptance
window is a zone, centered around the current target reading, within which
any target detected will be considered legi mate and fi gured into the averaging
buff er. Any target detected outside of the Window will be considered “out of
range” and will be ignored based on the se ng in the Out of Range Samples
parameter (see below). The Filter Window extends both direc ons, both closer
than and further away from, the current target reading. For example, if the
sensor is detec ng a target at 5 . and the Filter Window is set at 1 ., then any
target detected between 4 . and 6 . will be accepted.
Out of Range Samples
Determines the number of consecu ve target readings that must fall outside
of the acceptance window before the “out of range” target is recognized and
included in the averaging buff er. For example, suppose the Out Of Range
Samples is set to 10. If a target is suddenly detected outside of the acceptance
window, it will be ignored un l it has been detected for 10 consecu ve samples,
at which point it will be qualifi ed as a legi mate target. If the “out of range”
target was detected for only 9 consecu ve samples before moving out of the
sensing area, it would never be acknowledged as a target and the reading
would stay with the last qualifi ed target sample.
Sample Rate
Sets the interval between target readings. Op ons allow rates from once per
second (1 Hz) to 5 mes per second (5 Hz). It is highly recommended that the
Sample Rate be set only as fast as is necessary for the applica on.
Basic Parameters (con nued)