APG LOE Master Sensor user manual User Manual
Page 27

Rev. B, 1/12
LOE Series
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • www.apgsensors.com • [email protected]
Using the levelandfl ow.com website
APG’s www.levelandfl ow.com website provides access to sensor readings, as
well as the capability to setup email/text-message alerts and remotely adjust
sensor parameters (dependent on assigned user access rights).
General Naviga on
Sites Tab: Displays the list of sites assigned to the user.
Click on a site box to view the list of the sensors that are assigned to that site.
Click on an individual sensor to access the readings data as well as to adjust
sensor parameters (for those with access rights).
Profi le Tab: allows the user to manage their profi le.
NOTE: the La tude, Longitude and Zoom se ng are for se ng your default
view when entering the Google Maps feature. Simply click the Set bu on,
fi nd your loca on on the map and click on the loca on to set a marker.
Ensure the zoom at the desired level and click the “Set User’s Google map
start loca on” bu on to save the loca on.
Data Logging and Retrieval
Begin Date and End Date: Used to set the me period for the data to be
Chart: Retrieves the data in the form of a line chart.
Excel: Retrieves the data as an Microso Excel fi le.
View Data: Retrieves a list of sensor readings along with the associated me
Alarm History: displays a list of alarms that have previously occured.
View Parameters: displays a list of all sensor parameters as of the last me the
sensor logged into the website.