Website alarms – APG LOE Master Sensor user manual User Manual

Page 28

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LOE Series

Rev. B, 1/12


Automation Products Group, Inc.

APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications

Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • • [email protected]

Sensor Se ngs

Edit Info: allows the user to assign descrip on tags, set me zone informa on,
and set a sensor loca on on the Google Maps feature.

Se ng the Sensor Google Maps Loca ons: click on the “Edit Info” bu on and
then click the “Set” bu on, fi nd the sensor’s loca on on the map and click on
it’s loca on to set a marker. Ensure the zoom at the desired level and click
the “Set sensors Google map loca on” bu on to save the loca on.

Edit Parameters: allows users (with access rights) to adjustment sensor

NOTE: parameter changes made from the website will only take eff ect a er
the LOE reports to the website at the next scheduled call-in interval.

Edit Alarms: allows users (with access rights) to add alarms to send email or
text message alerts whenever an alarm condi on occurs and when the alarm
condi on clears (see website “Se ng Website Alarms” sec on below).

Website Alarms

There are three diff erent types of website alarms: Immediate, Interval, and
Heartbeat. Refer to descrip ons below.

Immediate Alarms: results from an alarm condi on on one of the LOE’s solid
state relays (Trip 1 & Trip 2). If one of the trip relays enters an alarm condi on,
the LOE will report the alarm to the website without wai ng for the next
scheduled call-in interval.

NOTE: in addi on to se ng an alarm on the website, the LOE’s trip relays
must also be confi gured for website alarming. See “Confi guring the LOE for
Website Alarms” on page


for details.

This manual is related to the following products: