Frequent asked questions – AirLive WHA-5500CPE-NT User Manual
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11. Frequent Asked Questions
AirLive WHA-5500CPE-NT User’s Manual
In this chapter, we will address some frequent asked questions about WHA-5500CPE-NT
I forgot my password or the IP address of WHA-5500CPE-NT.
Answer: Please restore your settings to default by press the reset button for more than
5 seconds. You should be able to find your WHA-5500CPE-NT at with password “airlive”.
Where is Super Channels for WHA-5500CPE-NT?
Answer: Please make sure you have the license to use the Super Channels. Super
Channel is only available when you select 11a, Super-A, and Turbo-A modes.
When you select “All Channels” as the Regulatory Domain, the Super
Channels will appear on your channel list.
I heard WHA-5500CPE-NT can limit the bandwidth of BitTorrent and eDonkey
traffic. But I don’t see the option on the Bandwidth Control.
Answer: The option to limit bandwidth by application or port is available only on WISP
router and AP Router modes.
How can I make connection with Mikrotik AP?
Answer: The WHA-5500CPE-NT can connect with Mirkrotik AP using Bridge
Infrastructure Mode(Supports WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK), Client
Infrastructure mode (support WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK) and WDS Bridge
mode (support WEP). If using Bridge Infrastructure mode (WDS station),
Frequent Asked