Google Activation Guide Postini Email Security User Manual

Page 39

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Test Your MX Records


If you have waited the full duration of the TTL and the test fails, troubleshoot as

Verify that all records were entered correctly. For example, if the error
message reports that a particular record couldn’t be found, that record
might have been misstyped. If so, reenter it, wait for the TTL to expire,
and try the test again.

Verify that your primary and secondary nameservers are properly synced
with the new DNS records. Usually, entering records for the primary
nameserver updates the secondary nameserver, as well. But with some
DNS services, you might have to update the secondary nameserver

Verify that your ISP is compatible with the email protection service, in
particular, that they will allow your domain to route email traffic to an
external server. Some ISPs and hosting companies might not allow this. If
this is the case, talk with them about a workaround right away. You can
also contact your Internet service’s technical support for more

If after that you’re still have trouble, please contact Support. If you are a directly
supported Postini Customer, please log in to the Postini Support Portal . Otherwise,
contact your vendor, who can assist you.


Don’t delay in fixing this problem, as email to your domain might be

bouncing back to senders, without reaching users.