Google Anywhere+ Deployment Guide V1.0.1 User Manual
Page 39

ConfigObfuscate anywhere+.config anywhere+enc.config
This will create an encrypted version of the anywhere+.config file called
You will now need to get ready to install the software on a small subset of machines.
You will need to have the anywhere+.msi file and a copy of the encrypted config file
(which will need to be renamed to anywhere+.config once in the same directory) on a
network share ready for the installation.
The Anywhere+ V1.0 Release guide contains instructions for rolling out Anywhere+ via
Login Script, GPO and Microsoft SMS. If you want to use anything else, please follow
their instructions for deploying MSI files. Please make sure you script in a reboot after
Anywhere+ supports the silent mode of the MSI installer. To run this command please
execute the following via the command line:
msiexec /i c:\temp\Anywhere+.msi /l c:\temp\aplusinstall.log /qn
This assumes that the location of the Anywhere+ setup package is in the c:\temp
directory. If it is not, please change this to the appropriate directory. This also supports
network share if you replace c:\temp with \\server\share.
Please note that if you include an anywhere+.config file in the same directory as the
Anywhere+ installer, it will include this in the install rather than using the default.
Once deployed, each user should update their authentication key using the right click
menu off the Anywhere+ systray icon (if you are using individual keys).
To do this right click on the Anywhere+ icon and the following menu will appear:
Click on Modify Authentication Details and the modify authentication details screen will