Working with the text window – Boris FX Boris Calligraphy Version 2.0 User Manual

Page 9

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Boris Calligraphy


Working with the Text Window

The parameters in the Text window allow you to create, import, and edit text for inclusion
in your effect. The upper portion of the Text window is the text preview area. You can type
text in this area, then select one or more characters to make style changes using the Style,
Page, Color, Border, and Shadow tabs. These tabs are explained in the following sections.

Selecting Text

You can select text in the Text window just as you can in most word processing programs.
Press Command-A to select all text in the preview area. You can also double-click to select
a word or triple-click to select an entire paragraph.

When you select text, the characters invert. This is called



. Active selection means that keyboard actions are directed

at the selected text. When you type new characters, they overwrite
the actively selected text. The example at right shows white text that
is actively selected.

When an outline appears around the selected text, this is called

passive selection

. Passive selection means that keyboard actions are

directed at the parameters in the lower portion of the Text window.
When you type, characters do not overwrite the passively selected
text; they affect the numerical Þeld for a parameter (such as
Opacity). To passively select text, select the text then click the
numerical entry area for any parameter.