Boris FX Boris Calligraphy Version 2.0 User Manual

Page 81

background image

Boris Calligraphy



Choose Boris from the Generator menu in the Viewer. Then choose Vector Shape from
the submenu.


Drag the backdrop from the Viewer to the Canvas. When the Edit Overlay appears,
position the image in the Superimpose section and release the mouse button. The clip
appears in the Timeline.

10. Make sure that the Title 3D Þlter is above the Vector Shape Þlter in the timeline.

11. Select the Vector Shape track and click the Controls tab in the Viewer window.

12. Choose the shape that you want from the

Shape Primitive menu.

The illustrations in this exercise use the
Oval shape, but you can use whichever
shape you like.

13. Adjust the Shape Left, Shape Top, Shape

Right, and Shape Bottom parameters until
the shape appears behind your text.
These parameters set the positions of the
corners of a rectangle in which the oval is
inscribed. These values are scaled as
percentages of the width and height of
the Canvas window.

The illustrations show Shape Left set to
5.00 and Shape Right to 95.00, but you can
use whatever parameters you like.

14. In the Border 1 parameter group, use

the Eyedropper tool to set the border
Color to the same color as your text Þll.

15. In the Shape Fill parameter group, click

to deselect the Shape Fill checkbox.

This creates an unÞlled backdrop.

16. Preview your effect. Now you will

animate the backdrop.

17. Move the playhead to the Þrst frame in

the effect.