Boris FX Boris Calligraphy Version 2.0 User Manual

Page 61

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Boris Calligraphy


Scramble Characters allows you to vary the characters from frame to frame. When you use
Letter Variation parameter to adjust the characters, the characters are offset by the same
amount. For example, all the “e” characters from the original “Generator” text are now “x.”
You can randomize this, using the Scramble Characters parameter.

The Loop parameter cycles through the
characters, determining which
character starts the line. You can
animate this parameter to make the
characters appear to crawl in place.
Whole numbers have no affect; decimal
numbers move the characters to the left
or right. In the example at right, Loop is

Animate Random Seed to randomize the change of the text characters from frame to frame.

Working with the Page Transformations Parameter Group

The Page Transformations parameter group allows you to add basic DVE moves to your
text. For example, use these parameters to spin the text.

Opacity adjusts the opacity of the text. A setting of 100 makes the text completely opaque,
while a setting of 0 makes the text completely transparent.

Position X/Y set the coordinates of the text’s center point. You can adjust or animate these
values to offset the text as it moves in or out.

Position Z adjusts the apparent depth of the text. Decreasing negative values move the text
closer to the viewer, while increasing positive values move the text farther away. Very low
Position Z values move the text behind the viewer, making it invisible.

Master Scale lets you adjust Scale parameters globally. Parameters can still be changed
independent of one another by using the individual Scale parameters. For example, you set
Scale X to 100 and Scale Y to 200 to create text that is stretched vertically. If you then set
Master Scale to 200, the resulting text is twice as wide and four times as tall as the original.

Scale X and Scale Y change the size of the object along the X and Y axes, respectively. These
parameters are scaled as percentages of the object’s original width or height. Thus, a Scale
X setting of 200 produces text twice as wide as the original text.