Setting the shape and direction of the gradient – Boris FX Boris Calligraphy Version 2.0 User Manual
Page 21

Boris Calligraphy
The Color Ramp lets you quickly pick a color using the eyedropper. Click the color ramp
before you select the eyedropper if you want to toggle the ramp to a grayscale image.
Alpha sets the transparency of the selected stop. At the default value of 255, the gradient is
totally opaque. At 0, the gradient is fully transparent. Intermediate values produce varying
degrees of transparency.
The Repeat Stops parameter allows you to repeat the gradient pattern.
Repeat Stops= 1 (default)
Repeat Stops =5
Repeat Stops =10
Setting the Shape and Direction of the Gradient
The remaining controls determine the shape and direction of the gradient.
The Type menu determines the shape of the gradient.
The choices are Linear, Radial, Contour Bevel, Edge,
and Revolve. Each choice has its own parameters,
which are described in detail in the following sections.
Linear Gradient Type
A Linear gradient places the start color at the left and
blends toward the end color at the right.
Angle adjusts the direction that colors blend across the screen when using a linear gradient.
Type menu