Exercise two: creating an animated tracking effect, Creating text, Mapping a gradient to the text – Boris FX Boris Calligraphy Version 2.0 User Manual

Page 72: Creating text mapping a gradient to the text

background image


Exercise Two: Creating an Animated Tracking Effect

Upon completion of the exercise in the section you should be able to:

Create and format text in the Text window.

Use the Gradient Editor to map a gradient to text.

Save text styles to the Style Palette.

Use the parameters in the Controls tab to fade in your animation.

Create an animated tracking effect.

Creating Text


Double-click a clip that you will add to your sequence and play it in the Viewer. The
clip should be about three seconds in duration and will be used as the background for
an animated tracking effect. The illustrations use a black background.


Drag the image from the Viewer to the Canvas. When the Edit Overlay appears,
position the image in the Overwrite section and release the mouse button. The clip
appears in the Timeline.


Choose Boris from the Generator menu in the Viewer. Then
choose Title 3Dfrom the submenu.


The Text window appears. Click in the window and type
“Coming Soon.”


Select the text and make any adjustments to the font, text color,
shadow and border properties.

The illustrations in this exercise use the words “Coming Soon” with Arial Black font at
72 points, but you can use whatever type of text you like.


Compete the steps in the following section.

Mapping a Gradient to the Text


With the text still selected, click the Fill tab to open the Þll controls.


Choose Gradient from the Text Fill menu.

Generator menu

Fill Tab


Editor icon