Boris FX Boris Calligraphy Version 2.0 User Manual

Page 70

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Select all the text that you just typed by pressing Command-A.


In the Style tab in the Text window, use the Font and Font Size menus to set the font and
size of the text.


Click the Center JustiÞcation button to center justify the text.

The illustrations in this exercise use the word “Boris” with Arial Black font at 96 points,
but you can use whatever type of text you like.

10. Click the Fill tab to open the Þll controls. Use Style Color to choose a color for the text.

You can click the color swatch to open the system color picker, enter values in the RGB
Þelds and press Return, or use the eyedropper to select a color from the screen.

The illustrations in this exercise use a solid blue color, but you can use any color.

Style tab Font menu

Font size menu

Center Justification button

Fill tab