Boris FX Boris Calligraphy Version 2.0 User Manual
Page 40

Press the Apply To menu and choose the appropriate option.
Letter applies the effect to individual letters and characters.
Word applies the effect to individual words. Words are deÞned as characters that are
separated by a space in the Text window.
Line applies the effect to individual lines. Lines are deÞned as characters that are
separated by a carriage return in the Text window.
Click the Always Visible checkbox to force all text characters to remain visible. This Type On
feature applies transformations progressively to text characters. When this checkbox is
deselected, characters progressively appear or disappear from the frame. Selecting the
Always Visible checkbox forces characters to remain visible while the transformations are
progressively applied. One way to think of this effect is like “the wave” that crowds perform
at football stadiums; the transformation appear to pass through the text. The animatable
Type On parameter behaves as the center of the wave when this checkbox is enabled.
Type-on effect with “Always Visible” enabled.
Reveal Time controls how long each character animates during the effect. This parameter
only affects animations created with the Fade, Shift, Skew, Tumble, Spin, and/or Rotate
parameters (described below). For example, you create a four second type-on effect with the
word “Text.” If Text Type On is animated from 0 to 100, each letter in the word Text animates
onscreen for one second. Reveal Time speciÞes the percentage of that one second that the
Fade, Shift, Skew, Tumble, Spin, and/or Rotate lasts. Thus if Reveal Time is 50, each