Apple QuickTake 200 Camera User Manual
Page 87

PC card adapter 79
PC Exchange control panel on Mac
OS–based portable computer 79
PCMCIA slot on Mac OS–based
portable 79
photographs. See images or specific topic
physical specifications 67
PICT file format 40, 58, 72
picture quality, setting modes for 4
pictures. See images; movies; taking
pictures or specific topic
PictureWorks NetCard software 55
pixels 19, 20
playing back consecutive frames 4
playing movies 54
Play mode 4, 15, 21–23
portable computers
PCMCIA slot on 79
transferring DOS images to Mac
OS–based portables 79–80
Portrait focal setting 16
Digital port on camera 32
input/output ports on camera 68
modem port on computer 23, 31,
32, 64
printer port on computer 31, 32
serial port on computer 32, 64
video input port on television 22
Video Out port on camera 22
conserving 22, 26, 28, 35, 38
improving battery performance 70
troubleshooting 64
power adapter 27, 28, 31,35
power-off function 27
power requirements 68
power specifications 68
power switch 3, 13
Present Movie command (Movie menu)
50, 51, 52, 54
Print command (File menu) 60
printer port on computer 23, 31, 32
images 59–60
in color 76
thumbnails of images 59
problems. See troubleshooting
protection icon 25. See also
write protection
Protect mode 4, 15, 25–26
QuickTake 200 AC Power Adapter. See
power adapter
QuickTake 200 Camera Access
application. See Camera
Access application
QuickTake 200 panel 34, 35
QuickTake 200 software
installing 5
quitting 60
QuickTime IC movie panel 50
QuickTime movies, creating 53–54
Quit command (File menu) 60
quitting, QuickTake 200 software 60
radio and television interference vi
rechargeable batteries 28
Recompress movie command (Movie
menu) 52
Record command (Video-in menu) 54
Record-Fine mode 4, 11, 14, 19–20
recording movies and videos 48–54
Record mode 4, 14, 19–20
red sleep light 19
reducing images 37
renaming images 39
repair 61
replacing batteries 7, 70
resetting date and time 62
resolution 19, 20
RGB color 71
rotating images 48
Run Movie arrow 51, 54