Apple QuickTake 200 Camera User Manual
Page 82

battery door
location of 3
opening 6
battery door release button 3
battery-saving mode 26
bit depth 67
blotchy images 64–65
blurry images 64–65
of images 44–45
of LCD screen 17
brightness dial 17
serial cable 31, 32
turn off computer before
connecting 32
video cable 22
Camera Access application 33–60
commands in. See commands
connecting to the camera with 33–34
getting information about images
with 36
making videos and movies with
menus in. See menus
moving images between Camera
Contents and Viewer folder with
naming images with 39
opening images to full size with
tasks performed by 33
transferring images to computer
with 38
uploading images from computer to
camera with 39–40
using to work with images 44–48
viewing images with 35, 41–43
Camera Access Dispatcher, starting other
applications with 55–58
Camera Access icon 33, 38
Camera Contents window
moving images between Camera
Contents and Viewer folder
purpose of 35
selecting images in 36
camera mode dial 4, 19–26.
See also modes
caring for the camera and lens 61–62
carrying strap, attaching 10
carrying strap mount, location of 3
CIE color standard 73
battery contact surfaces 70
camera and lens 62
seal on storage card 9
storage card 62
close-up focal setting 16, 18
CMYK color 71
color matching. See ColorSync
color printing 76
color range 72–73
ColorSync 71–77
how ColorSync works 72–73
obtaining further information
about 77
problems solved by 71
resources for 77
tips for best results with 76–77
ColorSync extension 74
ColorSync System Profile 72–76
ColorSync System Profile control panel
(Apple menu) 75
Copy All Images to Disk (Viewer
menu) 38
Copy Selected Images to Disk
(Viewer menu) 38
Get Info (File menu) 36
Hide Video-in (Window menu) 53
Horizontal (Dispatcher menu) 56
Loop (Movie menu) 52