Bryant F User Manual
Page 48

Device Instance: 0160001
1 PRGs loaded. 1 PRGs running.
Module status:
Firmware sections validated in flash memory
Boot16-H - v2.06:001 Jun 19 2007
RTU-MP DRIVER - v2.09:050 Jun 26 2007
Reset counters:
11 Power failures
0 Brownouts
18 Commanded warm boots
22 Commanded cold boots
0 System errors
0 Watchdog timeouts
System error message history: Type Specific
Warning message history:
Information message history:
POWERUP: BACnet reinitialize warmstart 06/29/07 10:49:40
Menu file not found. 06/29/07 10:48:35
ARC156 reconfigurations during the last hour (cleared upon reset):
Total ....................... 0
Initiated by this node ...... 0
Core board hardware:
Type=147, board=34, manufactured on 05/14/2007, S/N 21A740188N
RAM: 1024 kBytes; FLASH: 1024 kBytes, type = 3
Base board hardware:
Type=147, board=71, manufactured on 05/14/2007, S/N RMP750037N
Largest free heap space = 65536.
Database size = 742082 , used = 352162, free = 389920.
Raw physical switches: 0x01280000
Module Communications:
Network Protocol=BACnet MSTP Master
Network Baud Rate=9600 bps
Fig. 59 -- Module Status Report (Modstat) Example
10. In certain situations, it may be necessary to tweak the
MS/TP Protocol timing settings through the
. There are two settings that may be
Max Masters: Defines the highest MS/TP Master
MAC address on this MS/TP network. For example, if
there are 3 master nodes on an MS/TP network, and
their MAC addresses are 1, 8, and 16, then Max
Masters would be set to 16 (since this is the highest
MS/TP MAC address on the network). This property
optimizes MS/TP network communications by
preventing token passes and “poll for master” requests
to non--existent Master nodes (i.e., in the above
example, MAC address 16 would know to pass the
token back to MAC address 1 instead of counting up to
MAC address 127).
Each MS/TP master node on the network must have
their Max Masters set to this same value. The default is
MaxInfo Frames: This property defines the maximum
number of responses that will be sent when our
controller gets the token. A valid number is any
positive integer. The default is 10 and should be ideal
for the majority of applications. In cases where the
controller is the target of many requests, this number
could be increased as high as 100 or 200.
MS/TP networks can be comprised of both
Master and Slave nodes. Valid MAC addresses for Master
nodes are 0 -- 127 and valid addresses for Slave nodes are
0 -- 254.
NOTE: See RTU--MP 3rd Party Integration Guide (or
alternatively RTU--MP Controls, Start--Up, Operation, and
Appendix) for Protocol Maps.