Warning – Howard HI-110 Network Transformer User Manual
Page 7

Document 2.4.128, Revision 2
August, 2012
Network Transformer Instruction Manual
3. Check the main tank, primary switch
chamber and primary terminal chamber for
indication of fluid leaks, looking carefully at
weld seams, bushings, gauges, valves and
all other main tank and chamber fittings. If
suspicious indications are found, investigate
thoroughly to determine if a leak does exist
on the transformer. Indications of a leak
can sometimes be residual fluid that was not
cleaned during the manufacturing process
and not an actual leak. In many cases a small
pinhole tank leak or leak from a bushing,
gauge, valve or other fitting can be easily
repaired on site. Refer to the “Maintenance”
section for information about the repair of
fluid leaks.
4. Check for external damage including dents or
scratches on the main tank walls, radiators,
primary switch chamber and primary terminal
chamber. Dents and scratches can often
be repaired on site using simple touch-up
procedures. If touch-up painting is performed,
do not remove or obscure any warning labels,
instructional labels or nameplates.
5. Check for broken, cracked, or damaged
bushings, gauges, valves and other fittings
and accessories.
6. Check for missing or damaged component
parts that may have shipped separately from
the transformer.
Fluid Levels
The transformer and primary switch chamber are
shipped from the factory with insulating fluid filled
to the proper level. When provided, the primary
terminal chamber is also filled with fluid at the
factory when the transformer is equipped with dead-
front separable insulated bushings or bushing wells.
Before energizing the transformer, verify proper fluid
levels by observing the fluid level gauges. The fluid
level gauge pointer should be between the “High”
and “Low” mark, and point approximately at the
°C mark.
A transformer found to have a low fluid level
should be checked for potential leaks, repaired as
necessary and filled to the proper level with the
same type of liquid as specified on the transformer
nameplate. If fluid must be added, refer to “Filling
with Fluid” for instructions.
Internal Inspection
An internal inspection of the transformer is rarely
necessary and is recommended only when there
are obvious indications that the transformer
has received severe impact damage during
transit. Do not open the transformer main tank
without authorization from the Howard Industries
Transformer Division. If the transformer main tank
must be opened, refer to “Opening the Transformer
Tank” for instructions.
Fluid Sampling
Sampling and testing of the fluid is not required
unless there is an indication that moisture or
other contaminants have accidently entered the
main tank, switch chamber, or terminal chamber
during transit. If moisture or contaminants in the
fluid are suspected, contact the Howard Industries
Transformer Division immediately for instructions.
If fluid sampling is required, refer to “Sampling the
Fluid” for instructions.
Transformer Storage
Transformers can be temporarily stored if properly
prepared. It is recommended that transformers
be stored completely assembled. Prior to storage
transformers should be thoroughly inspected as
described above in the “Initial Inspection” section.
If the transformer is not completely assembled,
separate components and accessories should be
stored in a clean dry area in their original shipping
• Do not energize the transformer if the fluid
level is low.
• Maintain proper fluid level while the
transformer is energized.