Howard Network Transformers User Manual
Network transformers, Introduction

Catalog Section 94-10
Network Transformers
Issued: April 9, 2010
Howard Industries, Inc.
Laurel, MS 39440
Copyright © 2010 Howard Industries, Inc.
Howard network transformers are designed and built
according to the most exacting engineering standards to
provide many years of outstanding performance and reli-
ability in the most demanding utility network applications.
Product scope includes capacities from 300 kVA through
2,500 kVA with high-voltage ratings from 2.4 kV through
34.5 kV and low-voltage ratings through 600 Volts.
Network transformers are typically used to supply
power to grid-type secondary distribution systems in
areas of high load density, such as are found in large
cities and are designed for either vault-type or subway-
type applications. Vault-type network transformers are
designed for installation in above-ground dry vaults, where
occasional submersion may occur. Subway-type network
transformers are designed for installation in subsurface
vaults, where frequent or continuous submerged
operation is likely. Subway designs may also be used in
vault-type applications.
Network Transformers
Catolog Section
Howard Industries, Inc.
ISO-9001 Certifi ed
Figure 1: Network Transformer