Howard Voltage Regulators User Manual

Voltage regulators, Single-phase step, Howard industries, inc

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Copyright © 2011 Howard Industries, Inc.


Document No. 2.4.132

Revision: 0

Issued: October, 2011

Howard Industries, Inc.

Laurel, MS 39440

Howard Industries’ SVR-1 single-phase

step voltage regulators are tap-changing

autotransformers designed to automati-

cally regulate distribution line voltages in

a range of plus or minus 10% in thirty-two

steps of approximately 5/8% each. The

following ratings are available:
• Voltage: 2500 Volts (60 kV BIL)

through 19920 Volts (150 kV BIL)

• Current: 50 through 1665 Amps

• KVA: 38.1 through 1000

• Frequency: 50 or 60 Hertz

Internal potential winding taps and/or

an external ratio correction transformer

are provided on all ratings so that each

regulator may be applied within a range

of system voltages.

A digital control system automatically

operates the tap changer mechanism to

maintain system voltage within desired

limits. The control system is externally

programmable to allow precise setting of

control limits and provides sophisticated

capabilities for special control require-

ments, communication, and data logging.

Overhead type voltage regulators are

supplied with support brackets for pole

mounting and have bolt-down provisions

for pad-mounted applications. Substation

type voltage regulators are provided with

rectangular substation bases. Elevating

platforms are available as an option.

SVR-1 voltage regulators are designed for

reliable operation and ease of mainte-

nance and are supplied with a full array of

standard features for routine applications.

Optional accessories are available to ac-

commodate special applications.

Voltage Regulators


Catalog Section

Howard Industries, Inc.

ISO-9001 Certified

Single-Phase Step

Distribution Transformer Division

FIGURE 1: SVR-1 single-phase voltage regulator