Light Engineered Displays Linear Detection with Footage Marks User Manual
Light Engineered Displays Sensors

DL-1NM Controller - No Map - 12” x 12” Box
DL-1 Controller with Map - 14” x 24” Box
DL-2 Controller with Map - 24” x 24” Box*
box has room for second controller
The DL-Series utilizes a special linear sensing cable, featuring two (2) insulated conductors with two supervi-
sory return wires. This 1/4” diameter bundle is both tough and fexible. The special insulation, along with
AquaALERT’s traditional AC supervision, prevents contamination by dirt and virtually eliminates damage from
When water contacts the cable anywhere along its length, an audible alarm will sound at the AquaALERT
annunciator panel. The display will indicate, in feet, the distance to the location where water has contacted the
cable. The audible alarm will activate and the system Alarm contacts will change state. The audible can be
silenced but the alarm will continue to be displayed until the water is cleaned up and the annunciator is reset.
When the cable or associated wiring is damaged, or disconnected from the controller, the system will indicate
a “Trouble” condition. An audible will sound to alert the operator. The audible can be silenced and the Trouble
indication will remain until the problem is corrected.
General Description
A Division of:
Light Engineered Displays, Inc.
109 Portwatch Way
Wilmington, N.C. 28412
Phone: (800) 251-2512
Fax: (800) 251-9878
Email: [email protected]
The AquaALERT Distance locating system
combines linear leak detection cable with micro-
processor control and graphic annunciation to
provide the ultimate in water leak detection. A
digital display identifies the alarm and indicates its
location by footage measurement. An integral
Graphic Map correlates to the measurement for
fast, accurate response by facilities personnel.
System Alarm and Trouble contacts are provided
for connection to remote monitoring equipment.
Additionally, the annunciator can display other facility alarms such as Heat or Temperature sensors, as well as
signals from Fire Alarm and Security systems. This provides a convenient location to monitor the status of all
the systems important to your operation.
Model DL-2
Document Outline
- DL Series - Distance Locating System Page 1.pdf
- DL Series - Distance Locating System Page 2.pdf