Light Engineered Displays ARA Panel w/no Intercom (ST) User Manual

Light Engineered Displays Sensors

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Area of Rescue Assistance system shall have push-button control circuits and indicator lights for Call
and Call Received functions. The Control Panel shall include power supply, status indicators, silence
and reset switches, and system test button. The components shall be mounted on a faceplate and
clearly marked for their respective uses. The faceplate shall be surrounded by an extruded alumi-
num frame with a hinge for attachment to a 4” deep enclosure. The assembly will swing open for
easy wiring and is key-locked closed to prevent tampering.


General Description

109 Portwatch Way Wilmington, N.C. 28412 Phone: (800) 251-2512 Fax: (800) 251-9878

Internet: Email: [email protected]

Graphic Annunciators * Water Leak Detection

Fireman’s Smoke Control Panels * ARA Systems

 Meets ADA requirements
 Provides audible and visual
 Easy push-button operation
 Secure key-locked enclosure
 Plenty of room for wiring
 Dependable solid-state circuits
 Panel size - 9”w X 18”h X 4”d

To place a call, the person needing assistance pushes the button on the call station. The LED on the
call station will flash to inform the user that the call has been sent. The control panel will indicate the
incoming call with an audible alarm and a flashing LED. The LED will identify the specific area
requesting help.

The operator pushes the acknowledge button to silence the audible. The call LED will go from flash-
ing to steady to inform the user that the request for help has been received. The LED will remain lit
until the control panel is reset. If additional calls are received, the new calls will resound the alarm
and the new request will be identified with a flashing LED. Intercom capability is not available on ST

System Operation



Model ST-8