Light Engineered Displays BA Series User Manual

Light Engineered Displays Sensors

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U.L. Listed

Choice of Line Widths

Choice of Ink Colors

Hinged Door with Cam Lock

Fast Turnaround

Intended for indoor / dry location

1. Standby Voltage
Nominal 24 Vdc: Min. 18 Vdc to 36 Vdc
2. Standby Current
Typical Range 0 -15 ma
3. Alarm Current
Standby Current is increased Approx. 15
ma for each Activated LED
max input @ 3 Amps
4. Indicators
Super Bright LED’s - Red, Amber and Green
5. Activating Voltage
Positive or Negative as specified
6. Operating Temperature
32-100F (0-38C)

On the Ba-series annunciators, your graphics are silk-screened directly to the brushed aluminum using
enamel inks. When the ink is dry, it cannot be scratched off because the ink has filled the brushed lines. This
procedure allows for a fast turnaround time as well as the possibility for making future changes, should the
need arise. This provides an important benefit over engraved annunciators as they cannot be modified. The
line widths and colors are applied according to your specifications. A submittal will be provided for your
approval prior to fabrication. The LED indicators are mounted through the faceplate to allow a viewing angle of
270 degrees. Like our LD-series Annunciators, the indicators are wired to DIP sockets. Connections from the
DIP sockets to the circuit boards inside the enclosure are by flexible connectors.

The BA-series is a UL Listed version of our LD-series annunciators. The size choices and wiring options are
the same as our LD-series. The primary difference is the aluminum faceplate and front-mounted indicators.


Technical Specifications

General Description

109 Portwatch Way Wilmington, N.C. 28412 Phone: (800) 251-2512 Fax: (800) 251-9878

Internet: Email: [email protected]

Graphic Annunciators * Water Leak Detection

Fireman’s Smoke Control Panels * ARA Systems

Model BA-1