Light Engineered Displays SP-1/ARA Lighted Panels User Manual

Light Engineered Displays Sensors

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109 Portwatch Way Wilmington, N.C. 28412 Phone: (800) 251-2512 Fax: (800) 251-9878

Internet: Email: [email protected]

Graphic Annunciators * Water Leak Detection

Fireman’s Smoke Control Panels * ARA Systems

The SP-1/ARA is a lighted information sign used to indicate the location of an Area of
Refuge. This is an area where people who are unable to use stairs may remain temporarily
in safety while awaiting assistance during an emergency evacuation.

The SP-1/ARA features blue letters on a white background. The slim 7-1/2” H x 12”W x
2-1/2”D metal box is painted white and is designed for surface mounting. The message/
wheelchair symbol is bonded to a white acrylic sheet. This sheet is slid into place and is
secured by a removable side panel. The lamps and wiring connections are located behind
the message sheet for easy access.

The SP-1/ARA can be configured to operate at 12/24 vdc or 115 vac and can be used in a
variety of applications. At 24vdc, power consumption is 250ma per sign.

The sign is typically mounted on the wall, at the entrance to the Area of Refuge.

General Description

 Made in the USA
 Slim design
 Sturdy metal enclosure
 Easy access for wiring