Light Engineered Displays Linear Detection with Graphics User Manual

Light Engineered Displays Sensors

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The LW Series Water Detection System contains fully supervised detection zones. The circuit must be termi-
nated at the end of the line with a 15K Ohm, 1/2 Watt resistor.

Normal (standby) operation is indicated by a green “Power” LED.

An Alarm condition occurs when water comes into contact with the Water Detection Sensor. A Trouble condi-
tion occurs when the wiring to the Sensor is broken, or if the wires within the Sensor itself (cable) are broken.

When an Alarm condition occurs, the Red LED will light, the sonalert will sound, and the auxiliary relay contact
will operate. The sonalert can be silenced by operating the momentary Acknowledge switch. The Red LED
will remain lit until the Alarm condition is corrected. At that time, the LED will reset itself. The sequence is the
same for a Trouble condition, except that a Yellow LED will be illuminated. Multiple Zone Units have subse-
quent alarm features. All Water Detection sensor runs will be indicated on the graphic plan, and can be color

General Description


A Division of:
Light Engineered Displays, Inc.
109 Portwatch Way
Wilmington, N.C. 28412
Phone: (800) 251-2512
Fax: (800) 251-9878
Email: [email protected]





Combining the art of graphic annunciation with
environmental sensing, AquaALERT introduces a
practical solution to your water detection and
environmental monitoring needs. The “LW-
Series” is a proven system that will signal you of
abnormal conditions and provide you with its
geographical location. This enables you to iden-
tify a minor event before it becomes a major prob-

The AquaALERT System consists of water sens-
ing cable run along pipes or within subfloor
spaces, using microprocessor-based controls and
graphic annunciation, to quickly identify problems
and their location. The AquaALERT sensor is
easy to use and is available in 100’ rolls. When
installed according to the instructions, it can be
run along almost any surface without the need of
special tools or training.

It improves your safety and reliability factor as it will monitor water intrusion, high/low humidity, high tempera-
tures, individual smoke detectors, UPS status condition and anything else considered critical to your facilities

The response is quick, giving accurate information about the location and nature of each alarm.

Model LW-4/4