Light Engineered Displays Dot Matrix Printers User Manual

Models compatible systems general description

background image

PR-125PD Printer - Standard

PR-125PD/WC - Wide Carriage

Cerberus XL-3 - With Interface

Cerberus MXL

KIDDE Pega Sys.

Fenwall Net 2000


●Lite MS 9200

Consult factory about compatibility with

other systems

The PR-125 Printer provides an additional means of obtaining a permanent record of the fire control system’s
Alarm and Trouble events. The model PR-125 is an impact dot matrix printer. It features a 9-pin head that
prints up to 240 CPS. The narrow cartridge includes a push/pull tractor and a “0” form tear off. Parameters for
form length, character pitch, fonts and spacing are easily selected by pressing the corresponding switches on
the front panel. This printer can be used in a wide variety of applications.

The PR-125 can be set up to operate from the parallel data, serial data, or MA. loop input. The required inter-
face for your application is installed at the factory. The unit is shipped with cables and instructions, ready to

NOTE: The PR-125 Printer can NOT be used with the Cerberus XL-3 fire control panel unless:
A. The printer loop supervision feature is disabled, OR;
B. Use the model LI-125 interface to provide the proper printer control commands.

For additional technical data, please refer to the operations manual.

For other applications and information concerning cables, restrictions, or peripheral devices such as modems
and loop converters, please consult factory.


Compatible Systems

General Description

109 Portwatch Way Wilmington, N.C. 28412 Phone: (800) 251-2512 Fax: (800) 251-9878

Internet: Email: [email protected]

Graphic Annunciators * Water Leak Detection

Fireman’s Smoke Control Panels * ARA Systems



Model PR-125

Matrix Printers

PR-125 Dot