Light Engineered Displays Section 16500 Specs User Manual
Part 1: general, Part 2: products

Part 1: General
A Division of:
Light Engineered Displays, Inc.
109 Portwatch Way
Wilmington, N.C. 28412
Phone: (800) 251-2512
Fax: (800) 251-9878
Email: [email protected]
1.1 Summary
A. Provide subfloor Water Leak Detection System as shown on drawings, specified herein, and as needed
for a complete and proper installation.
B. Related work not in this section:
1. Conduit systems, wires and cables.
2. Other alarm systems.
1.2 Approvals
A. Contractor shall submit manufacturer’s technical product literature on all related system components.
B. Contractor shall submit shop drawings that include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Plan view of the hazard area including the location of pipes, valves, and any likely source of water
2. Location of equipment to be protected.
3. Layout of water detector cable and location of alarm panel.
1.3 Quality Assurance
A. Water leak detection system must be listed by Underwriter’s Laboratory, Inc. or other acceptable testing
B. Installation shall be supervised by a representative, trained by the manufacturer, with a minimum of five
years experience in installation and testing of like systems.
C. Contractor shall warranty the system for a period of one year after the final Inspection.
Part 2: Products
2.1 General
A. Water leak detection system to utilize linear water sensing cable and shall detect the presence of water
at any point along its length. Spot Detectors are NOT acceptable.
B. Water sensing cable layout to provide coverage for each AHU, all water lines, and the perimeter areas.
Sensing cable shall be arranged in independent zones of approximately 100’ per zone. Zoning shall be
designed for reference by geographical area. Cable shall be color coded per zone.
C. The system shall include and be integral with a color coded floor plan of the hazard area. This plan
shall depict the entire routing of the water sensing cable along with its respective zoning.
D. The system shall be the LW Series as manufactured by AquaALERT, a division of Light Engineered
Displays, Inc. Manufacturer will have at least 10 years manufacturing of Water Leak Detection