NOVUS TP694 User Manual
Electromagnetic compatibility

Operating instructions
Pressure, vacuum, differential pressure transmitter
Please read the operating instructions carefully
before commissionning the pressure transmitter.
The guarantee is invalid in respect of damage re-
sulting handling or inappropriate use. We accept
no responsibility for consequential damages
resulting from any ot the above.
The device must be installed and dismantled
only by qualified personnel.
The relevant country-specific harmonised sa-
fety regulations must be observed.
The customer must ensure compliance with
device-specific reguirement relating to the
protection standard.
Factory setting
Pressure 0, output signal < 100 µA or 4 mA or
< 50 mV at voltage output.
Maximum pressure = maximum output signal.
Adjustable version
Attention: Only versions whose product numbers
have the following digits at the 5th and 6th
place after the dot can be calibrated:
(ZP not adjustable.)
with square
root extraction
Full scale adjustable with
potentiometer from 40 % to
100 %.
Recommendet installation
arrangement: vertical, with
pressure connections facing
(factory calibration).
Horizontal, cover facing down-
ward. Signal approximately
10 Pa higher than actual pres-
Horizontal, cover facing up-
ward. Signal approximately
10 Pa below than actual pres-
Electromagnetic compatibility
Type of interference
Test standard
Electrostatic discharge ESD
EN 61000-4.2
no failure (criterion B)
8 kV air discharge / 4 kV contact discharge
High-frequency electromagnetic
EN 61000-4-3
no effect (criterion A)
radiation (HF)
0.15 … 80 MHz, 10 V/m
Fast transients (Burst)
EN 61000-4-3
no failure (criterion B)
± 2 kV
EN 55022
Conducted interference
0.15 ... 30 MHz
no effect
Radiation from housing
30 ... 1 000 MHz
no effect