Operation – NOVUS Controller N2000 User Manual

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Controller N2000



Thermocouple and Voltage (Volts and mV) input connect as in Figure 3.

Figure 3 – T/C and Voltage wiring

Figure 4 - RTD input wiring

RTD (Pt100)

Figure 4 shows the Pt100 wiring, for 3 conductors. Terminals 22, 23
and 24 must have the same wire resistance for proper cable length
compensation. For 2 wire Pt100, short circuit terminals 22 and 23.

Figure 5 – Current wiring

Figure 6 – Remote SP input


Refer to Figure 5. (The controller provides an internal electronic
shunt for the input current. No changes in the circuit are necessary).

Remote setpoint

Input available at terminals 19 and 20. The user must connect a 100

resistor shunt as indicated in Figure 6.

Digital Input

I/O5 and I/O6 can be used as digital inputs, accepting either dry contact
or NPN open collector signals. Figure 7a shows a switch driving the
I/O5 digital input. The digital input at I/O6 is driven only by dry contact
signals. Figure 7b shows a typical digital input wiring for I/O6.

Figure 7a – Digital input at I/O5

Figure 7b – Digital input at I/O6

Digital Output

I/O5 can also be configured as digital output. An example of usage is
shown in Figure 8. I/O5 is electrically isolated from the sensor input.

Figure 8 – I/O5 digital output wiring.

Two-wire 4-20 mA transmitter using the N2000 auxiliary 24 Vdc

Refer to Figure 9 for the correct wiring.

Fig. 9 - 4-20 mA transmitter using the N2000 24 Vdc supply


The front panel is shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 - Front panel parts

Status display/PV: shows the value of PV (Process Variable). When
in programming mode, shows the parameter name.

Parameter display/SV: shows the SV (Setpoint Variable) value and
the value of other parameters of the controller.

COM Indicator: Flashes when communication messages are sent by
the controller.

TUNE Indicator: Lights during the execution of PID automatic tunning.

MAN Indicator: Lights when the controller is in manual.

RUN Indicator: Lights when the controller is active, with control and
alarm outputs enabled.

OUT Indicator: For relay or pulse control output, reflects the actual
state of the output. If an analog output is assigned for control, lights

A1, A2, A3 and A4 Indicators: Status of the alarms.


- PROG key: used to walk through the menu cycles

- BACK key: go back to the previous displayed parameter


- DECREASE keys: Used to change

parameter values

-AUTO/MAN KEY: Shortcut for automatic/manual control

selection. Alternates the control mode between automatic and
manual each time the key is pressed.


-PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION KEY: Can be assigned to the

special functions described for the f.fvnc



f.fvnc parameter.

When the controller is turned on, its firmware version is displayed for
3 seconds, after which the controller starts normal operation. The
values of PV and SV are displayed and the outputs are enabled.

Before the controller is ready to be used in a given process, it
requires some basic configuration, such as:

input type (T/C, Pt100, 4-20 mA, ...) at the “tYPE



tYPE” prompt,

according to Table 1;

output type at “I/O 1”, “I/O 2”,... “I/O 6” prompts (see Table 2);

setpoint variable SV. Set the remaining parameters.

PID parameters (or hysteresis for ON / OFF control)

Other functions, including alarms, ramp and soak, timer, digital input,
etc., may be useful for a better system performance. The parameters
are grouped in 7 cycles.



1- Operation

Free access parameters *

2- Tuning

3- R&S Program

4- Alarms

5- Input Configuration

6- I/Os

7- Calibration

Reserved access parameters **